IT is good news to Physically Challenged Persons that the Indian Railways was updated the Physically Handicapped Concession Quota bookings in IRCTC website and also IRCTC Rail Connect APP in Mobile. Specially abled and Journalist passengers who availing the concession need to carry Photo Identity card issued by Railways which is to be produced for On-board / off-board verification during journey. Escort passengers also need to carry photo identity card mentioned at the time of booking. A Reservation quota of two sleeper class berths has been earmarked in all trains running on non-suburban sections for handicapped persons performing their journey on handicapped concessional ticket. The person accompanying the handicapped person as escort is also allotted the berth out of this quota.As per Railway rules, concession in fares is admissible to four categories of disabled persons,and that too in extreme cases. The names of these four categories, and the element concession admissible, are as follows
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