AP YSR Nethanna Nestham scheme Rs.24,000 per year to every Handloom weaver family

AP Y.S.R. Nethanna Nestham scheme 2019 for providing Rs.24,000/- per annum to every weaver family :
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to  assist the weavers families of Handoom under scheme of “Y.S.R. Nethanna Nestham” by providing Rs.24,000/- per annum to every weaver family who owns a Handloom to modernize their equipment and to compete with the power looms sector, with the following conditions vide G.O.Ms.No.89, III&C Dept Dated:23.10.2019.
  • The assistance of Rs 24,000/- shall be paid to the weaver family who owns  a Handloom.
  • One weaver family shall be eligible for only one benefit, irrespective of the number of looms owned by them.
  • The weaver family shall belong to the Below the Poverty Line category.
  • The scheme shall be implemented from  the month of December,2019. (e) The expenditure for the scheme shall be met from within the provision made for the scheme in the B.E.2019-20.

Eligibility criteria :
The scheme is applicable to all Handloom Weavers who are actually engaged in Handloom Weaving and eking their livelihood from Weaving, and who are present in the Departmental Data Base.  Re-verification of the existing Weaver data base with the department by village and ward volunteers is in progress to cover left over beneficiaries, if any, deletions and updation of details. The re-verification will be completed by 31st October, 2019 and will be the basis for distribution of “Y.S.R.  NETHANNA NESTHAM.
Process for Implementation:  
  • The Assistant Director (H&T) with the approval of DLC/ District Collector concerned will submit the list of eligible Handloom Weaver families for granting Rs. 24,000/- per family along with Bank Account No, Aadhaar No., and other details every year.  
  • The Director of Handlooms & Textiles A.P., will transfer the funds through DBT to the eligible beneficiary Accounts directly through CFMS Portal. The Modalities similar to the one adopted by Transport Department for A.P. Y.S.R. Vahana Mitra Scheme will be followed.   Provision will be made for additions, deletions or to make changes in the Data base on social audit.

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