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TNUSRB Exams 2010 Eligibility: More details about the eligibility for TNUSRB Exams 2010 visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board. The candidate can also download application form from the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board. For more details about the Important dates visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service recruitment Board.
TNUSRB Exam 2010 Selection procedure: The selection of the candidate will be based on the written test and personal interview of the candidate. The selection is also based on the rules and regulation of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board.
How to apply for TNUSRB Exams 2010 : The Interested candidate can also apply online and sent some along with recent passport size photograph affixed on the right hand corner of the application and attested copies certificate and a demand draft in favour of theTamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board.
Examination center for TNUSRB Exam: Centres are earmarked for recruitment depending upon the number of candidates. Presently 14 centres have been selected. Recruitment at each centre is entrusted to a Sub-Committee headed by a Deputy Inspector General of Police as Chairman. One Superintendent of Police, one Additional Superintendent of Police and one Deputy Superintendent of Police are Members of the Sub-Committee.TNUSRB orTamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board Entrance Examination will be conducted in 2010 for recruitment in Tamilnadu state police and Home Guards.
TNUSRB Exams 2010 Eligibility: More details about the eligibility for TNUSRB Exams 2010 visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board. The candidate can also download application form from the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board. For more details about the Important dates visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service recruitment Board.